Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Day 303: Ashes

Breathing is made difficult by the person who was once your reason for it. He or she made the life that is easy complex. As if her absence is a painful but her presence is unpleasant. You cannot find your proper place in his or her life so you insist on being in the middle ground where you feel pain ang love at the same time. Stuck in the dilemma where you wish to stay and try to fix the situation or just leave and move on with your life.

But the dilemma will come as follows:

Saying goodbye is like jumping off a cliff. You have every decision to jump but once you are in the air, you have nothing to go but let go. You cannot let go since you know that either you will be gone forever or come back everytime when you feel like it. Forcing a toxic relationship upon one another.

Another thing is that:

When the person you love/loved have tricked you into leaving your old self and now you felt like your existence is anchored toward this person and life seems incomplete with them. Leaving never feels like an option. A nice thought but now you are a prisoner of your own relationship.

But the moment you thought that leaving seems the best option, that is when leaving becomes the best option. Never settle for less as you deserve every love that this world could. A broken heart should not be feared as every broken heart still beats the same.

Moving on will be a process. Because when you leave a person you don't lose them all at once.  Their pieces fade from time to time. It will be from the lack of communication, slow replies, lack of gifts, lack of dates and lack of fights. Then by the moment everything feels normal then you are finally okat.

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