Sunday, November 18, 2018

Day 322: Falling to ash

Everything in this world will come to an end eventually. A hard fact that we all have to face one way or another. The things you saved your money for the most will be taken away from you and even your love ones will depart one by one and that is not a bad thing because it's life. Everything and everyone will come and go. Drinking buddies, classmates and even best of friends will all disappear and leave someday, that's why when you found someone you want to be with the rest of your life with, you do something about it. That's the thing about life, nothing is really permanent.

That's why we try to hold on things that matter the most. Mind, in which we think of the things that we desired and wish the best for other. Money, where we will spend them in the most important thing of all: Memories. Every fragment of memory you will make in this world is precious as no one can take them away from you. People may forget but everything you learned about that experience are the most precious things that you will gain in your lifetime.

You make everything you love in this world feel precious because even if one day they all fall into ashes, there is no regret that you have expressed your love to that certain person. For you may only be a part of that person's world but to you, he/she is your world. You may be just one thing to one person but to another, you are everything.  Like a flower in you garden, in the eyes of a commoner that flower is just another flower in your garden but to you, that garden is everything as it was your first grown flower. The value of things really vary on the eyes of the beholder.

If you acknowledge and accept the fact that nothing is permanent, you do everything for the person you wish to keep the most. But if that person cannot be yours, do not lose hope. As when everything becomes ash, you will be equals also. Time will come when everything will disintegrate but the pleasure of meeting you in this lifetime is the best thing I will keep.

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