Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 150: Lion

A proud mountain lion
once led, served and protect
every animal lingering in the forest
sacrificing his food and never once a defiant

the lion did his best
to serve the rest
but when the lion got hungry
things got chippy

he sought to serve himself
disregarding the pack 
for he sought the track
to serve his own happiness

the rest of the animals are not used to it
as they saw at as a selfish move
by the time the lion has returned
he was welcomed with condemn

he apologized and did his best
to make up for his selfish quest
he lived his life for them to impress
poor lion, lived for the applause

when he thought it was all fine
and he had caught up with the time
one mistake decision
puts the lion in another position

he made a mistake to piss of the gorilla
and accidentally stepped on his cornilla
then the animals turned their back
and the lion was once more attacked

the lion was once more alone
as his hatred for animals has grown
the lion grew resentment
realizing solitude is better than judgement

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