Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Day 129: Pinned on her

The city lights has fade and gone
as the sun rises on the new horizon
the burning sun will rule once again
for the hours where he is called king

another day has passed 
still not a moment of rest
I sought comfort in a person's smile
where a glimpse could get me brighten up

all my hope is pinned on her
as my faith and strength crumbles
I could not stand at this moment
If I had not thought of her

In this hell I walk around
where the sun keep spitting out
fires to set the earth ablaze
I found my comfort in 
a lovely dame

I will forever woo her
As my heart is hers for the taking
she keeps me up at night
and keeps me fighting

I guess this damsel is not in distress
maybe in our story, the knight is just tired
tired of the old and wavering years
waiting for a damsel's embrace

with my hope all pinned on her
I shall fight with a heavy heart
As I struggle on the battlefield
with her heart on my clutch

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