What is she like?
- A perfect embodiment of beauty
in which God perfectly sculptured
from the finest marble
as her smile was carved
from the perfect chisel there was.
-Said Pride
What is she like?
- The light of my life
the fire in my eyes
my full moon in a dark night sky
the stars in a moonless night
the oasis in a desert
My raft in an islannd
-Said Hope
What is she like?
- The source of my everything
with the power to leave me with nothing
she has a gun on my heart
and a knife on my throat
while I love her with all my heart
-Said Fear
What is she like?
- She was unlike anything
I have ever seen in my entire life
She was the night sky and twilight at once
different from others
a box of chocolates it seems
a box I have yet to open
A heart I have yet to touch
A life I have yet to enter
-Said Excitement
What is she like?
- It's like a homeless man
asking for money
but the kids gave him chocolates
unaware that he has diabetes
but he did not really complain
as he was hungry in the first place
- Said Confusion
What is she like?
- My life yet unsure of my existence
forever wondering if she will love me too
holding on sweet conversations
yet prideful and scared to make a step
toward more than friend ship
So you look at her as if you saw nothing
while deep inside
she was the only one I see
But I know she doesn't notice me much
-Said Sadness
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