Friday, November 5, 2021

Troubled Luna (Part 1: Commotions)


Just a week after the midterms Andre, a friend of Matthew, pulled him out of the library while the latter was half asleep. He could not understand why he was being pulled or why Andre’s arm is scratched and bruised but what was clear is that he is annoyed by his blonde haired, tanned skin friend who dresses up like he attends a celebrity gala every day. He has no metaphor for the guy as he still wonders how he manages to wear outfits like that when it’s like the campus is at the corner of the sun. Seriously, the guy wears coats and his friends barely wear anything to compensate for the heat.

After seconds of dragging Matthew around, they came upon a group of people encircling a couple and when they arrived Matthew’s eyes were barely opened but he could see a familiar silhouette of a tall, fair skinned, short haired girl but it was the giant earrings that gave her away. Near her is a short haired cardigan wearing a small stature girl in which he didn’t recognize at first glance but the myriad of bracelets on her left arm. It was Luna and her girlfriend arguing in the middle of the crowd. Matthew was still half asleep but he was able to hear what the two girls are talking about.

Matthew was still upset of Andre’s rude awakening when Serene broke down crying as her girlfriend started to get personal. He pushed Andre and Joana nearby to pull Luna out of the crowd, much to the shock of everyone. Joana exclaimed “Show’s over people, get back to work!” 

“This will be interesting in the newsletter” a passing Ben and Leslie thought to themselves.

It took some time but the crowd of people was dispersed and the trio was left with Joana, another friend of Luna came from class to check her out. She was visibly upset and frustrated and Luna just started sobbing on her. Joana asked her what happened and she explained that Serene was making out with a guy in the nearby park and when Luna caught them Serene caused a scene and they chased each other until the two were in the lobby. “Must have been a chase” Matthew quipped. Luna also added that Serene was quick to shift the topic in Luna’s frequent absence and sadness stating that why should Luna still have mental health problems when she’s with her.  

“She hated the fact that I am still facing depression even after dating her, she asks if she’s not enough”

When those words escaped Luna’s lips, there was a certain amount of pressure that entered the three friends. Bones were rattling and teeth grinding, it felt heavy in that part of the room. Some passerby still look at them but Matthew gives them a stink eye each time. The three concerned friends of Luna felt a sense of anger that was unexplainable between them. They do not know what they want to do but everyone was frustrated in their own way. Andre had his head down, Joana was shaking while holding Luna’s hand and Matthew was still giving an evil look to who whisper and looks at Luna

They went to a cafeteria and Luna was let to vent out her problems since the other three could not speak, rather afraid to say the wrong things to such fragile Luna. She’s not the one to read the room when she’s sad so she continued on speaking horrors that her current girlfriend is putting on her. It was at that moment that the three wished they just spoke.

“I feel like this still can be fixed, I mean it’s only a few break ups and arguments things could be worse.”

The three begs to disagree at that moment as this has been the third time Serene cheated on Luna and has been trying to twist the story that Luna was the one who cheated this time and it’s her fault for being distant due to council work. 

“This won’t do” Joana said looking at the half glass coke in the cafeteria.

She pointed to the other three and said “Macy’s Bar 6pm” and to Matthew “keep her sane until then”

Luna is still visibly distraught in her two classes as she could not focus well so Matthew took down some notes for her and by 5:30 he grabs Luna and walked to the bar.

They were 15 minutes early but Luna was already tipsy as she could not hold her liquor.

“You could have waited at least for the two” Matthew said while drinking his orange juice and patting Luna at the arm.

Matthew was answered by hiccups and a silent Luna who keeps taking large amounts of drink.

As he went to grab his phone in his bag, Matthew heard a big slam on the wooden table.

“Slam!” and the bottles of beer fell down and he hastily picked them all up and tended Luna. He took a band aid and put it on Luna’s forehead and sat her on a chair with back rest.

“Why can’t Serene be like you?” Luna as she wept, then added “I hate these feelings”

Matthew whispered “Yeah, me too”

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