Saturday, July 7, 2018

Day 188: Fallout

A day with her far from my sight
is a day that isn't right
and I love everything about her
and coming from a guy who has no clue
on how feelings are considered true
and never have I though of ruse
because this woman has my heart
and I could never break hers
even if I wanted to
this has been painfully overwhelming
but I love her as much as I needed breathing
call impulsive and hopeless
But who said love will make sense?
I guess everything sounds great
when everything is about to start
But we don't have to pretend
that everything is perfect
because even if we know how this may end
we can't say that we can't enjoy the ride
but for now let's keep this feelings bottled
as for it won't grow into a garden
because no matter how pretty my words are
there is no ending in which result to her and I
even though my feelings are strong now
I really wish to fallout

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