Sunday, January 5, 2020

5 of 366: Fighting chance

Everything will be better
but not as time will provide
everything will work together
if you pick yourself up
if you let all the problems inside
eat you up with all sorts of insecurities
and you trapped yourself inside the house
eating unhealthy foods and playing video games
shutting the world out and never exercising
then you already concede to what is inevitable
look, life sucks okay?
and the boundary of good and bad is not luck
it's how you pick yourself up
it will not get better on the first try
as the you do not expect the fruit
in the moment you bury the seed
it takes time, one step at a time
you go out a bit, exercise
talk to someone, do something fun
even if it feels forced
do it step by step until you get better
because all the days when things get dark
you try to give yourself a fighting chance

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