Friday, September 22, 2017


I am Human
I am Person
·         I have fully functioning Internal and external organs.
·         Based on scientific study human is the highest form of animal
·         Rational Species who thinks logically according to various situation
·         I have talents based on genetics and my own hard work
·         My own intelligence is different from others
·         I am qualified to do things in proper way
·         I am connected to other human beings biologically
·         Connected to earth chemically
·         Connected to the rest of the universe atomically
·         I have a constant need of food, shelter and clothing
·         Through the years my body has aged and will age for many years to come
·         I can contact any diseases
·         I can do physical activities like exercising
·         I can learn things in my own way
·         I am a human and defined by culture, language, art, religion and science.
·         Being above animals, being a human is thinking of alternatives

·         I see thing in my own perspective
·         I feel something that would trigger my emotions
·         I have my own personal view points
·         I have my own set of opinions
·         I have feelings
·         I am sensitive in my own way
·         I have my own interpretation of right and wrong
·         I have my own set of moral code
·         I am different and unique just life everyone
·         I argue my thoughts and opinions
·         I have my own beliefs
·         I  choose what do I believe in
·         Sometimes it’s my thoughts that would kill me
·         I can manage my own life
·         I can connect with other through my emotions
·         I learn from the mistakes of the past
·         I make mistakes and apologize for them

1 comment:

  1. Differences is all about yourself and being unique to other people, you have a lot of experiences but you can build up yourself even they pull you down.
