I wonder how pretty you are
Under a moonshine
And how you would looks so fine
When we dance under the stars
I wonder how you hand feels
When they clasped with mine
Or how heavy your head is
When you lay upon my shoulder
I wonder how we are
When we try to dance
Will you trip on my feet
Or we'll sway so gracefully
Still I wonder if you are in my reach
Or just my perfect fantasy
I want to laugh gleefully
When you have something stuck in your teeth
I wonder what kinds of food
You will order on our dates
How do you like your coffee brewed?
Or what flavor of slice of cake
I look forward to stare into your eyes
And get lost in the moment
I wonder how pretty watching the sunset
Through the reflection of your eyes would be
It's a stretch by a long mile
But I wonder how it feels
When your lips are pressed to mine
I look forward to the things we want to do
And those we'll do
We don't even know we want to do
I wanna see the world with you by my side
I want to watch it spin
As reflected in your eyes