Friday, April 29, 2022

I love you no more

It never occurred to me how things have changed
I just woke up one day healed 
The smile I wore on my face
That you chased away in time
Have now return in me
And finally I can say I'm fine
Things could be better handled
But we did the best we could
With the cards dealt to us
Fate, destiny, or whatever
The choices still remain on us
So like a heavy boulder off my chest
I can finally say
At this point in time
And forever beyond this
I love you no more

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Not Angry, just done


It didn't have to be rubbed on
Or insisted on every moment
I got it from the get go
Repetition only made me resent
It was a mistake falling for you
There was a time you make my heart flew
But now every cell in my body
Regurgitates the thought of you
We fall for the wrong person
Each time we experience that 
It hurts and throbs a bit more
I just experienced yours tenfold

It was then
Feelings of annoyance and regret
Have long past and gone
Anger that lies within
Is all but gone
I am merely done
Done with the feelings I felt
Done feeling what I hate to feel
I can't resent what I long back then
My mind is simply done
And my heart earned its rest